7 Benefits Of Massage Gun Therapy…

Massage guns have recently gained a lot of popularity in the world of muscle recovery and pain management. Whether you’ve seen them advertised on your Instagram feed, being used by a prominent athlete, or have stumbled upon them while researching ways to deal with body pain or soreness, massage guns are hard to miss these days. These percussive personal massaging devices seem to be extremely attractive and innovative, sparking the curiosity of consumers everywhere; but what really are the benefits of these contemporary gadgets?

Relaxation and Overall Wellness

  • Relieve Stress - A percussion massage is a wellness tool that does a good job to give your body and mind peace for stress relief. When the instrument is used by a massage therapist the body releases dopamines and serotonin. These chemicals are responsible for happiness and body relaxation. The therapist will know the right spots to hit with just the right amount of pressure.

  • Improve Sleeping Patterns - Sleep is important for focus, alertness, libido, cardiovascular health, and cognitive function. Massaging your body regularly will keep you relaxed. If you get it right the body will release melatonin, a chemical responsible for keeping you asleep. And improving your sleep patterns

  • Boost Your Immunity - The immune system is complex and masterful in its protection of your body against infectious agents. Around us constantly, bacteria, viruses, and fungi are our neighbors and we live with them in peace most of the time because of the immune system. A healthy immune system keeps the infectious agents from infecting your body by attacking the offenders before they can do any damage or set up residence in your body. The recent pandemic has been an important reminder of how important your immune system is and how it is the most important ally you have to stay healthy. We know that massage guns help improve blood circulation. Because of improved circulation, white blood cells and other immunity factors are able to travel through body tissue more effectively. Improving the body's immune system.

  • Massage Improves Memory and Concentration - Also, when massage relaxes tense muscles, it eases stress, which also benefits thinking and efficient work. Positive emotions typically are related to better thinking and memory, whereas negative emotions are associated with pessimistic thinking and less concentration. A percussion massager is a wellness tool for your body and mind. For the best results, you will probably need a therapist or someone with deep tissue massage therapy knowledge.

Lymph Circulation

The lymphatic system, or lymphoid system, is an organ system in vertebrates that is part of the circulatory system and the immune system. It is made up of a large network of lymph, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, lymphatic or lymphoid organs, and lymphoid tissues. This is a less talked about but equally important advantage for massage gun therapy. Many components of the heath are centered on efficient blood circulation. Massage guns are known to improve the blood flow within a section of your body. A full-body massage with these devices may lead to better circulation throughout the whole body.

Signs of poor circulation include…

  • Fatigue

  • Swollen legs and arms

  • Painful muscle cramps

  • Lack of focus

  • Cold feet and hands

Lymphatic stimulation is very important for maintaining a healthy body and mind. The lymphatic system barely gets a mention in most healthcare textbooks. Massage gun therapy has the potential to stimulate these nodes which in turn helps circulate the lymphatic fluids to areas of the body where they are needed.

Helps With Speedy Muscle Recovery

A massage gun can relax sore muscles by stimulating an organ known as GTO (Golgi tendon organ) that inhibits muscle contraction. It relaxes muscles and relieves tension in the body, and quickly eliminates the toxic debris after a workout. This way, muscle recovery time between the workouts is shortened and your muscles are able to bounce back within the shortest possible time. Due to improved circulation into the muscles and fascia tissues, the injured areas become more flexible and heal within a short period of time.

Addresses Muscle Soreness and Aches

When you have spent a few hours or the whole day straight on your feet, use your massage gun on your calf, shin, and arch of the foot to alleviate tightness. A massage gun reduces the level of lactic acid in your body post-workout, flushes out its buildup, and decreases the soreness of muscles. In the case where you are experiencing real-time muscle pain, percussive therapy can help by breaking up the pain signals sent by your brain to your body.

Enhance Range of Motion to Improve Sports Performance

Muscle massage guns work on muscles, connective tissues, and joints that work together to aid mobility. Consistent use will make your joints more flexible and less prone to strains and sprains. This makes your muscles and joints work better and your range of motion will increase significantly. As a result, your athletic performance will improve and your body will become more relaxed with an improved simulation of its natural lubricants. Because massage guns are great for pain relief and reducing muscle soreness, it is easy to train better and consequently perform better.

Massage Gun Therapy Benefits

Studies indicate that massage therapy has a variety of benefits for helping people recover from surgeries, including…

  • Decreasing postoperative pain and intensity

  • Reducing postoperative pain stress and anxiety

  • Mitigating sympathetic responses to postoperative pain

  • Decreasing doses of analgesics

  • Boosting levels of calmness and feelings of well-being

  • Reducing inflammation and scar tissue

  • Helping regain full range of motion without discomfort

  • Aiding in the re-alignment of muscles and joints

Conditions Commonly Treated Using Massage Gun Therapy

  • Muscle soreness

  • Sciatic

  • Muscle cramps and spasms

  • TMJ syndrome

  • Low back pain

  • Shin splints

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

It is not all painkillers, needles, and rigorous dietary supplementation when it comes to relieving pain. With the help of massage gun therapy, you can massage the painful area to improve circulation and loosen up stiffness around joints and muscles. It may be uncomfortable at first but will become more tolerable as the area relaxes.

The Cons of Massage Guns

Every single recovery tool has “cons”, and percussion massage guns are no exception. Here’s what you need to know about the downside of these recovery tools. Do you know what you are doing? Are you trained in the science and execution of sport-specific massage? Chances are the answer is no so there is always a chance that you could end up using the massage gun incorrectly. Or, you could be massaging an area that is experiencing referred pain, and not actually targeting the area that needs help with recovery. It is best to reach out to someone who is trained in massage therapy. A massage gun is a tool, so it’s only as good as the user.

We Provide Massage Gun Therapy

The Hypervolt was built to reinvent the massage experience! Provides a customized massage experience for maximum results in minimum time. A powerful but quiet high-torque motor is used to activate, soothe, or loosen muscles. Hypervolt's built-in pressure sensor technology gives visual feedback throughout your massage process, to ensure your therapeutic sessions are more accurate.

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Contact Us 727.330.7769 For More Information!

About Enhanced Body

Enhanced Body is a family-owned business, started with the vision to help people feel their best and THRIVE in their own bodies. We, as medical professionals, help people feel their best, during some of their worst times. It is our goal to provide services that we have personally found to help with overall well-being, through our own experiences. We have incorporated a multitude of services to not only help with acute and chronic issues, but also to help by providing services to help prevent some of these common chronic issues, to have you feeling your best on a day-to-day basis, and provide your body the essentials it needs.


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